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"I want my independence.....I want my freedom"

Like everybody right now? My life is centred around my house. Instead of going to the gym or yoga studio? I'm working out in my living room. Rather than travelling to work? I walk in the morning, from my bedroom to my spare bedroom and sit looking at my laptop, only interacting via webinar.

After a track and trace app ping back in November, it was intensified. I had to stay at home; no outdoor exercise, no drive to the supermarket. Instead, the Ocado delivery driver the only human being I actually saw.....albeit at more than a 2 metre distance!

What do you value? What are you grateful for? Take some time to get clear.

Now before you get your violin out, don't feel sorry for me. As an introvert? This whole lockdown experience hasn't been a terrible one for me. I don't derive my energy from other people. I have a great house. Quite apart from anything else, it's really made me focus on what I'm grateful for!

- A warm house of more than room and an actual garden

- Family & Friends who were quick to check in and make sure I'm doing okay and had food to eat

It's funny though. I had always set my stall by being independent and valuing my independence. The ability to stand on my own two feet; look after myself emotionally, practically, financially. I would say fiercely mum would say stupidly so! I had actually convinced myself that asking for help? Was a weakness; that it was something I "shouldn't" do. That it was failing if I did. And the trouble is? That belief helped me to isolate myself. Thank goodness I'd recognised it and done something about it before a global pandemic and all the restrictions we're all now experiencing.

So whilst I recognise that my independence is important to me? Asking for and accepting help is a strength..... not a weakness. What do I value? Actually? It's freedom. The opportunity to choose. Am I struggling with the current national lockdown and not being able to do the things I love and see the people I love?? YES! Isn't everyone? Most days, I double down on gratitude. Some days I get annoyed. Some days I shed a tear or 50. Other days? I hope my friends and family are all okay and I message or call.

I still have a picture of the confirmation of my release from self-isolation....I think I'll always keep it as a reminder. What did I do with my re-found freedom? I went out for a run was the first thing! It's amazing how when you can't do something? You all of a sudden want to - even at 7am on a December morning!

So, contrary to Lulu's lyrics, it's actually my freedom I value, ahead of my independence. And I'll be grateful to self isolation for helping me get clear on that!

What do you value? What are you grateful for? Take some time to reflect and get clear. Who knows - maybe it will prompt you to think about what you're doing and why you're doing it and whether there are some changes you want to make in your life as a result.

And remember: "This too shall pass".

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